Mrs Jane’s Garden

Grouville Primary School contacted Heather Brown, Founder of RampArts at the end of April 2023, and asked if they could support their project, a sensory garden in tribute to the memory of teacher Mrs Janes, who sadly passed away in 2022. On a wellbeing-Wednesday the whole school were asked to contribute their ideas for what they would like to see included in the space, and a location was decided in the school’s back playground.

The deadline was crucial, as the Year 6 group leaving Grouville Primary School at the end of summer term in July 2023, and were the last class that Mrs Janes taught. It was important to have a space that these children could enjoy and remember Mrs Janes, before they left to start secondary school.

A team from RBSI provided valuable helping hands, clearing the garden, painting the fence and tyres, it propelled the project into amazing progress, which was invaluable in meeting the tight deadline.

Planters and flowers were purchased from Acorn, pots collected for free from Potty Eco Pots at La Collette, and herb and plant donations welcomed! Purple Panda created a unique sign, designed with Mrs Janes in mind, being painted in her favourite colour orange.

The transformation wouldn’t have been possible without the kind donation of paint from RampArts sponsor Robbialac and CIN Paints, adding gorgeous colour to the fence, tyres, playground checkerboard and rainbow pebbles!It was important to engage the whole school in the process, with activities assigned to every year group. Reception and Year 1 were encouraged to donate old wellington boots, to act as the caterpillar tyres legs. Year 2 had been learning about gardening and growing from seeds, space was reserved for the children to plant their seedlings into the garden and continue to watch their plants grow. Years 3 and 4 were asked to collect colourful bottle tops, which were installed on the pillars either side of Mrs Jane’s Garden, these serve as a keepsake, that the children can visit and remember their contribution to Mrs Janes memory. Year 5 and 6 were asked to paint pebbles from home and bring them in to create a wonderful rainbow installation in the garden, year 6 were encouraged to add messages on to their pebbles, remembering special times with their teacher.Heather Brown – ‘working in the playground was brilliant, the children were so intrigued, asking questions about the transformation and constantly offering to help dig, paint, even wash up paint brushes! They were filled with creative ideas, and truly added to the project experience. The children’s involvement was paramount, it was a delight to create this space with them in memory of someone so special’.

Grouville Primary School

What was the driving force behind creating the sensory garden at Grouville Primary School?

Whilst we have indoor sensory rooms to support the children, we wanted an outdoor sensory space that all children could access to enhance their Well-being.

What made you decide to collaborate with RampArts Jersey?

We have worked with Ramp Arts on previous occasions for both Well-being and Eco projects, as well as an Art Day for the entire school, and knew that the support and guidance they could give us would be invaluable.

What are the benefits of having a sensory garden at the school?

It provides the children with the option of a quiet reflective space to use at outdoor play times and will also be used as a quiet relaxation space at other parts of the school day, all of which will help the children to focus on their well-being.

What do you think Mrs Janes would think of the project?

We hope that she would love it!

Year 6 memories of Mrs Janes / Pupils memories

Mrs Janes made every lesson so special and exciting. I’ll never forget you – Bea Year 6

You were always so kind and thoughtful and you taught everyone to draw – Sophie Year 6

I remember at the end of everyday Mrs Janes would give the children Jellybeans if they had worked hard and challenged themselves – Mrs Stocke

Colleagues’ memories of Mrs Janes

Bev was a wonderful lady, who had a great sense of humour, a ready laugh and an infectious smile, not to mention her legendary fashion sense. Bev loved children and was never happier than surrounded by her class. We’ll never forget her at Grouville School. I will always remember her as a brave, kind, funny and loyal friend – Tracey Le Bas

Bev was a truly exceptional teacher and person. She made a huge impact on the students of Grouville School. She had such a caring nature, showing great empathy and support to everyone. Bev’s fun loving and colourful personality greatly enriched our school. Her great sense of humour was always evident, and you could hear Bev’s laughter before you saw her. We miss you dearly and remember you often – Fiona Galvin.

Bev inspired generations of children at Grouville with her love of learning. Her infectious laughter and smile will always be remembered. She loved ‘dressing up’ to make learning fun for everyone, whether it be as a pirate or an Egyptian goddess! She was very creative and shared her passion for art with her children, creating wonderful collaborative displays for us all to enjoy. We wanted to create something very special to remember Bev at Grouville, as she was so special to us! – Nichola Turner


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