Jane Style Art

Almost drowning in the magnificent beauty and history of Jersey, painting iconic buildings, landmarks and wonderful views fills me with joy.

I draw from photographs so that the landscape and buildings are as close to reality as possible then I go a bit bonkers with the colours, especially the skies. Reality with a twist is the way I see them.

I have no formal training whatsoever. What you see comes from the heart and my thoughts.Elizabeth Castle

Corbiere.Art Deco

For getting totally lost in painting and really getting in the zone, abstract and conceptual are my true loves. Hours seem to fly by in a split second. ‘Art is in the eye of the beholder’.Rozel Harbour

I do hope you like my work and especially find something you can relate to in the conceptual and abstract pieces but if you don’t or you can’t, that is totally cool.White House

For full range of all paintings to date please go to www.janestyle.art

Contact Details

Email [email protected] or [email protected]

Mob 07797 723397

Available to buy are c6 cards, c5 cards, prints any size from A4 to A0.

Please email/message me for any size canvas or wooden block prints

Commissions welcome.

Facebook = Jane Style Art

Linkedin = Jane De La Haye   Artist at Jane Style Art

Website = Jane Style Art

Instagram = Jane de la Haye



Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
Liberty Bus
St Brelades College in Jersey

