Founder and Director at The Busy Queen Bee for 8 years and have been living in Jersey for 17 years.

What is your favourite beach or place in Jersey & why?

St Brelade’s Bay, I first came to Jersey 24 years ago and worked in Rozel for one season, then the second year worked in St Brelade’s Bay Hotel, and therefore the Bay is very close to my heart from being a young French receptionist to coming back to Jersey 16 years ago and actually managing St Brelade’s Bay Hotel, I just love that Bay.

Where is your favourite place to stay in Jersey or where would you like to stay if you had the opportunity?

I just answered above, St Brelade’s Bay Hotel is just the best… having two children, I always look for places where they would have fun and things to do, for family it’s just the best hotel on island.

What event in the Jersey calendar do you frequent or do you have a particular favourite entertainment venue?

The International Air Display is probably my favourite on the event calendar, mainly because the Red Arrows used to stay with me during my days at the St Brelade’s bay Hotel, I know I am a real red suit fan!!

Is there a favourite place that you go for either a sporting or leisure activity?

I love walking around Jersey, I live out West, so my favourite walk would be from Corbiere to St Aubins, just amazing coasts with amazing views.

Where is your favourite place to dine and why?

I love El Tico in St Ouen, nice local food, friendly service, with stunning settings.

Do you have a favourite venue where you like to go and socialise?

I have to say Cocorico in Broad Street, not just because I am French and Cocorico just have the best crepes in town, but the atmosphere, the music, the food offering and a friendly service make me go back every time.

Is there a place where you just like to go to relax and chill out?

I do love going down to St Ouen and sit and watch the sunset, it’s just such an amazing place to be.

Can you give 3 words which describe the best things about Jersey for you?

Beautiful, diverse, Magnetic

What do you think about Vibrant Jersey and our aims / values?

Good luck with the new venture, every help to make Jersey a vibrant place to live, come on holiday or on business.

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Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

