Family Nursing & Home Care (FNHC) are inviting islanders living with Diabetes to their second ‘Have Your Say’ event of 2024, on Wednesday 24th April at the Town Hall (Old Magistrate’s Court) from 5.30 to 7pm.
Tia Hall, Operational Lead for Adult Services at FNHC said “Diabetes was the subject of our January event and generated much discussion. Therefore, to ensure that as many islanders as possible have the opportunity to contribute, we will be continuing the conversation around Diabetes for our next event this month”.
The aim of these events is to encourage islanders to share their views and experiences in order to start a two way conversation about community health care provision. FNHC also wants to hear what patients would like to see from their community health services. April’s event will take the form of small group discussions. The event is free and no pre booking is necessary.