Come and join the Lions Club of Jersey for a fun few hours of running, climbing, jumping, crawling and of course laughing as you attempt to traverse the obstacles and fields in their Muddy Fun Run 2023. As the title suggests, there is also a risk of getting dirty! This Lions Club of Jersey charitable event puts the “Fun” into Fundraising.
The Lions Muddy Fun Run is a lot more than just a run through some muddy fields. Aside from twenty or so obstacles, the main Arena features a huge car park, refreshments, registration, music, left luggage, start and finish line, spectator viewing, basic showers, toilets, first aid.
Access is sign posted from Princes Tower Road (the road from Five Oaks to La Hougue Bie).
On-line registration is now open, so get you friends and family together for a wonderful, fun time
To register click HERE