Join Jean Treleven as she delves into the geological past of the Island, right back to even before the Ice Age.
Venture on a journey through time on this GeoWalk around La Pulente where Jean skillfully illuminates the geological processes that have formed these rocks, bays and headlands and along with climate changes have created a spectacular landscape.
From the earliest Neolithic dolmen builders to medieval seafarers, defenders of the island and low water fishermen, you’ll discover how lives have been shaped by this landscape and how it in turn has inspired folklore and literature.
Jersey is in the process of applying to become a UNESCO ‘Global Geopark’, which tells the whole story of an area, right from the very beginning. Find out more, here:
Duration: Allow over 2.00 hours. Difficulty: Medium.
Meet at the main public carpark at La Pulente, by the Millennium Stone. Bus 22. This route follows rough paths and steep steps, so please wear suitable footwear.
For other guided walks available, go to:
Each walk showcases a different aspect of the Park, from wildlife to history, to agriculture and geology, and much, much more.