A Town Tour – Discover Six Jersey Heroes

On this gentle meander through our charming town of St Helier, where contemporary architecture sits comfortably, and unobtrusively alongside Georgian, Regency and Victorian, meet six Jersey heroes.

Firstly, we meet the heroes of the occupation, whose stories are told in moving quotes in the paving stones of York Street.

The second, a young Victorian Lawyer, Statesman and hero of the people.  A brilliant advocate,  but remembered more as one of the greatest of all Constables of St Helier.

The third, an 11th Century poet, author to Kings and the source of two of the greatest and longest poems in history,

The fourth, the Historian of Jersey, a Rector, Statesman, Island benefactor, and the founder of our very first Library.

The fifth Hero of the 20th Century, the man who guided the Island through the trials of the German Occupation during World War II, and proved a constant thorn in the side of the Head of the Occupying forces;

And finally, we learn of a beautiful and feisty socialite, actress, and author. A women feted on two continents, loved by both a King and a Prince, but who died alone, with only her housekeeper by her side.

Uncover the stories of the sensational six  – walk in their footsteps, and admire the world in which they lived, still visible in the hustle and bustle of modern-day St Helier.

Walk organised by the Parish of St Helier

Tickets available on Event Brite



Condor Ferries
Jersey Heritage
Freedom Holidays
St Brelades College in Jersey

